Studio 'RE-VISIT' with Priscilla Yu
Welcome to a studio 're-visit with Priscilla Yu. I interviewed her back in April 2016, where we caught a glimpse into her colourful, imaginative and playful creative world. Let's see what she's been up to since then...
I can't believe a year has flown by already! What have been some of your favourite projects?
Since our interview, I had the opportunity to combine my love of illustration with design. I got to design two book covers and I have also been designing some products. Learning a new skill is always my favourite! About a month ago, I created some illustrations for colouring t-shirts and tote bags for a colouring party at Vancouver International Childrens Festival on Granville Island. It was so much fun to create all the outlines and line work and I'm looking forward to watching people colour them in their own ways!
What or Who are you inspired by right now?
I have been really inspired by Iris Apfel ever since I watched a documentary about her on Netflix. It's incredibly inspiring for me to see a creative and vibrant elderly woman doing what she has always enjoyed and listening to her creative self. The way that she puts colours, textures, weights, and materials togethers to orchestrate an outfit makes me kind of jump out of my heart with joy. It's like when you look at a beautiful painting and you have to take a deep breath from its beauty.
Priscilla was very generous in giving us a few things that she learned since last year:
1. If you have a long 'to-do' list, with items on it that only take 5-10 minutes, just do them first. Often I rethink and over-think my e-mails, when they are totally fine. It's amazing how a little boost of confidence in yourself will save you so much time. Instead of going in circles about my "tone" may sound too keen or too amateur, I just accept that I am who I am and where I'm at.
2. Looking on the bright-side is crucial to a creative and freelance career. When you're juggling a part-time day job as well your art business, energy is everything. Circumstances can remain the same, but depending on your attitude and level of positivity/negativity, you can feel dragged down or optimistic about the present. This isn't just going to affect your happiness and relationships, but also your productivity and your art business.
3. I am a creative person with valuable ideas and lots of experience in the art field. People do want to hear what I have to say.
I think that people like being around creative energy and want to work with that. One of my favourite sayings that I have in mind all the time is
That way, you don't miss any juicy ideas or diminish your creativity. All the good stuff that you harvest at that point on is without self-doubt and often brilliant, and you can let go of all the crazy ideas that aren't going to work afterwards.
Thanks so much Priscilla! Can't you just feel the electric field of her artwork! So amazing. Right now you can go check out her mural she's painting for the Vancouver Mural Fest!
Are you inspired? Did you appreciate Priscilla's creative insights and vibrant artwork? If so, I'd love it if you shared this post with your friends and family.